Aradia Gómez


Aradia Gómez was about to take the big step and start working independently, after several years as a wedding planner for one of the most famous venues in Cantabria.


That is always a ver important step and we understand it is necessary from the very beginning of a new business or Brand, that its corporate image reflects professionalism and quality through a well accomplished design, in order to make clients and audience get a proper and correct image of the business. Otherwise, that great oportunity for us to make ourselves known would vanish. As Oscar  Wilde said, and Aradia told us: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”.


In this case, Aradia´s personal Brand was actually going to be herself, and her logo had to reflect all those highlights in her way of working: dynamism, class, elegancy, professionalism, devotion, thouthtfulness, experience, tranquility, illusion or vocation. All this concepts came up during the first briefing.


We developed her logo with soft curvy lines, a timeless aspect that fitted perfectly with the work she set forth. A grey and nude color set would be the main aspect, which we would also use to  work on the stationery.


We also designed a full website so her future clients could see every single option within her work, since her job is not only about weddings, beside a portfolio where every current work would be shown. A self-managed website to make the client able to renovate and update her work, in addition to the technical support we offer just in case the future brings any kind of doubt about how to manage the site.


Last, we designed a full stationary with stamps, folders, invoices and envelopes and we printed a beautiful set of business cards made of 700 gsm natural paper, letterpress and stamping, in order to keep those Oscar Wilde words meaningful; we hope we achieved it!